A smiling child used for the Education Reform page of Jerone Davison's website

Education Reform

Education is the foundation of a strong Arizona, and as your next Congressman for CD4, I will champion reforms that put parents and students first—not Washington bureaucrats or special interests. For too long, the federal government has pushed top-down policies that erode local control, drown schools in red tape, and prioritize political agendas over real learning. I believe in an education system that respects parental rights, promotes choice, and upholds fairness. We don’t need more federal handouts or one-size-fits-all mandates—we need practical, conservative solutions that strengthen our schools and protect our kids.

My Plan for Education Reform

  1. Expand School Choice for Every Family
    Parents—not the government—know what’s best for their children. I’ll fight to expand school choice options, including charter schools, private school vouchers, and education savings accounts (ESAs). While some push for more federal funding to prop up a failing system, I’ll empower families to choose the schools that align with their values and meet their kids’ needs. Education should be about opportunity, not bureaucracy.
  2. Strengthen Parental Rights and Transparency
    Parents deserve a voice in their children’s education, from curriculum to classroom policies. I’ll work to reduce federal overreach—like burdensome regulations and unfunded mandates—that tie the hands of local school boards. Instead of Washington dictating what our kids learn, I’ll support policies that ensure transparency and give parents the final say. No more hidden agendas—our schools should reflect Arizona’s values.
  3. Keep Education Focused on Learning, Not Politics
    Our classrooms should teach critical thinking, math, science, and history—not serve as battlegrounds for political experiments. I’ll oppose federal efforts to impose divisive ideologies that undermine parental authority and student well-being. Education should prepare our kids for success, not indoctrinate them with Washington’s latest trends.
  4. Protect Fairness in Women’s Sports
    I believe in fairness and respect for all students, which is why I’ll fight to keep biological males out of women’s sports. This isn’t about exclusion—it’s about ensuring that girls and young women have equal opportunities to compete and succeed. While some prioritize federal equity programs that blur these lines, I’ll stand for policies that uphold biological reality and protect the integrity of women’s athletics.
  5. Support Teachers Without Federal Overreach
    Teachers deserve our support, but they don’t need more federal strings attached to their classrooms. I’ll advocate for policies that reduce administrative burdens, allowing educators to focus on teaching rather than complying with Washington’s rules. Let’s reward excellence and innovation at the local level, not drown our schools in paperwork.
  6. Promote Vocational and Trade Education
    Not every student needs a four-year degree, and I’ll push for federal policies that support vocational training and trade schools. While some focus on universal pre-K or college-for-all schemes, I’ll prioritize practical education options that prepare students for good-paying jobs right here in Arizona. Let’s equip our kids for the real world, not just the ivory tower.

A Conservative Vision for Education

For years, career politicians have promised big government fixes—more federal funding, more centralized control, more progressive experiments—yet our schools still struggle. I reject the notion that pouring money into a broken system or pushing universal programs will solve our problems. As a conservative leader, I’ll fight for an education system that empowers parents, protects students, and respects Arizona’s values. With school choice, parental rights, and fairness at the forefront, we can build a stronger future for CD4’s kids—one rooted in freedom, not federal control.