As an Arizonan and your next Congressman for CD4, I am committed to protecting the bedrock of our nation: the Constitution and the republic it established. Today, we face threats from those who seek to centralize power, erode our checks and balances, and undermine the will of the people through unchecked federal overreach. We must protect the 1st and 2nd Amendments to preserve our Republic. While some in Washington push expansive government reforms that risk tipping us toward dictatorship, I believe in a conservative vision that preserves our American system. We don’t need more federal power grabs or partisan legislation—we need to defend the Constitution, uphold our checks and balances, and ensure our republic endures for generations to come.
My Plan for Protecting Our Republic
- Support the 2nd Amendment
The 2nd Amendment shall not be infringed, period. We must protect the right of our citizens to protect themselves. I oppose the bump stock ban and I oppose any “assault weapons” bans. - Oppose Dictatorship and Centralized Power
The Founding Fathers designed our government to prevent tyranny, and I’ll fight any attempt to consolidate power in the hands of a few—whether through executive overreach or legislative oversteps. While some advocate for sweeping federal reforms that could silence dissent, I’ll stand against any move toward dictatorship, ensuring our republic remains a government of, by, and for the people. - Support the Constitution as Our Guiding Light
The Constitution is the cornerstone of our freedom, and I’ll defend it against efforts to rewrite or reinterpret it for political gain. I’ll oppose unconstitutional mandates and activist judges who threaten our rights, from free speech to the Second Amendment. Unlike those who prioritize new federal laws over constitutional principles, I’ll fight to keep our government grounded in its original intent. - Defend the Filibuster to Protect Minority Voices
The Senate filibuster is a critical tool to prevent one-party rule and protect the rights of the minority—values at the heart of our republic. I’ll fiercely defend the filibuster against efforts to eliminate it, which would allow a slim majority to ram through radical changes without debate or consensus. While some push for its removal to fast-track their agenda, I’ll stand for deliberation and balance in our legislative process. - Uphold Checks and Balances in Our System
Our system of checks and balances—between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches—is what keeps our government accountable. I’ll work to preserve this structure by opposing efforts to expand federal power at the expense of states’ rights or pack the Supreme Court to tilt its decisions. Unlike those who see checks and balances as obstacles to their reforms, I see them as the safeguard of our liberty. - Ensure Fair and Secure Elections Without Federal Overreach
Elections must be free, fair, and secure, but they should be managed by states—not dictated by Washington. I’ll support common-sense election integrity measures like voter ID laws and oppose federal takeovers of state election systems that could erode local control. While some focus on expansive voting laws that invite fraud or partisan advantage, I’ll prioritize protecting the integrity of every Arizonan’s vote.
A Conservative Vision for Our Republic
For too long, career politicians have pushed federal power grabs and partisan reforms under the guise of “protecting democracy,” while ignoring the Constitution and the systems that have kept us free for over two centuries. I reject the notion that more government control or the elimination of our checks and balances will save us. As a conservative leader, I’ll fight to protect our republic by opposing dictatorship, defending the Constitution, supporting the filibuster, and upholding the American system of government. Together, we can preserve Arizona’s voice and America’s freedom for the future.